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Take your company’s LinkedIn efforts to the next level in just 90 days with this easy-to-use paid advertising and organic content planning template.

90 Day LinkedIn Campaign Template

Excluding 6% tax

How can this template simplify your efforts on LinkedIn?

  • Visualize Efforts: Organize and easily visualize what you’re posting, when you’re posting, and WHY in one place.
  • Budget-Friendly: Strategically plan when paid ads run and when they don’t. Don’t pay for ads when you don’t need them to run.
  • Live Updates with Google Sheets: Convert to Google Sheets format for easy sharing and updating among teams by simply uploading to Google Drive and opening as a Google Sheet (our personal favorite)
  • Transparency: See all of your efforts in one place and share the document with anyone on the team for complete visibility. Be ready at any moment to know exactly what ads are running, what posts are supporting, and where you are in your 90-day campaign with the easy-to-implement 90-day template. No more asking, “What ads are we running right now?” or, “What are the focus of our posts this month?”
  • Customizable and Expandable: Start with this 90-day LinkedIn planning template, but keep it going if you’d like! The sheet is customizable, so simply add to the template your plug-and-play strategy for the next three months to the sheet, and keep your efforts going!

How to set up and use the LinkedIn campaign planning template:


  1. Set some time aside to brainstorm and make it fun – get out a giant whiteboard and pull the team together.
  2. Fill in the blanks with the months and weeks your efforts will cover in rows 2 and 3.
  3. Define your target markets for each month (or the entire campaign) in row 7.
  4. Define your target audience(s) for each month (or the entire campaign) in row 8.
  5. Determine a budget for the full 90-days; keep in mind you must spend at least $10/day to advertise on LinkedIn, so a minimum budget should be $310. We highly recommend a budget of at least $500 per month. Add the monthly budget to row 26.
  6. List any important dates and events in the “Important Dates & Events” section starting at row 27.
  7. List in any additional notes such as planned blog posts, email campaign messages, etc. that will also go out each month starting in row 39.

Action Time:

  1. Month one should be all about ramping up and creating awareness for whatever you are promoting – this reminder is noted for you in row 9.
  2. Work with your team to create a weekly organic posting schedule based on the number of posts per week we recommend (row 14) and that they convey the right messaging for the phase of the campaign indicated (row 9).
  3. Extra credit: If you don’t have a post-planning software solution in place like Sprout Social or ContentCal, you can quickly note a reminder of what the posts for that week will be under the number in row 15. For example, say I have a post covering this template schedule for that week, and one that is a different blog post. I can input “template” and “blog – [subject]” here to remind myself what the posts are that are scheduled for that week.
  4. If you’ve noted an important event on your sheet, but sure to either create an organic post for that event and count it as one of the organic posts (if it relates to your campaign), or be sure to schedule it as an additional, special post that week.
  5. Create two sponsored ads for month one and set them up your LinkedIn Ads account (tips for advertising on LinkedIn can be found here). You will use these to A/B test which “speaks” to your audience.
  6. Make your ads live and keep an eye on the engagement of the organic posts.
  7. Repeat these steps for the following months by following the guided notes in the messaging and sponsored ads rows and adjusting the organic post frequency and messaging as indicated.
  8. Check ad analytics daily in LinkedIn (or in Sprout Social if you subscribe) as you get started to be sure your content is “hitting” the right audience
  9. Check organic post activity daily on your LinkedIn company page in the “Activity” tab seen at the top (available to LinkedIn admins)

And that’s it! You’re all set to run a 90-day LinkedIn campaign that has both paid, sponsored ads as well as organic posts that support your campaign message. Seeing great results? We’d love to highlight your success – tag us on LinkedIn with @FreshlyPressed

Need a little extra help either setting up your campaigns on LinkedIn, completing the LinkedIn campaign planning template, or looking to run larger campaigns? We’re here to help!

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Excluding 6% tax